Operational Quantities for External Radiation Exposure

Draft document: Operational Quantities for External Radiation Exposure
Submitted by Keiichi Akahane, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Commenting as an individual

General comment


The new operational quantities are calculated based on the effective dose of ICRP standard computational phantoms defined in the Publication 110. On the contrary, ICRP has been developing new type phantoms consisted not of voxels but of polygon-meshes. It means that the standard phantoms might be changed in the near future, and the values of the new operational quantities might also be revised at that time. However, the operational quantities are bases of the regulations on radiation protection in each country, and they should not be easily changed. The consideration on this point could be mentioned in this draft.


Editorial comments


- “the” is duplicated in the left middle cell of Table 5.1.

- In the table from A. 3.1a to A. 4.5, “d” in the top should be dashed like “d’ “.

- In the table A. 4.5, “d local,skin” in the top should be like “d local,skin(??)” or followed with “for a radiation incidence at ??”.

- Add for Table/Figure C1.2
